Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How professional carpet cleaning in Squamish helps get rid of the stains and dirt from your carpets?

Carpet cleaning not just makes the carpet look better, but makes it last for a long time as well. Dirt that gets trapped in the carpet will wear down the material and destroy or discolour the carpet eventually. Carpet cleaning companies that offer carpet cleaning in Squamish can help prolong the life of your carpets. 

Steam cleaning

It process actually doesn’t involve the usage of steam, instead utilizes hot water. The hot water temperature is between 150-200 degrees Fahrenheit in general. The process is otherwise called hot water extraction and is the most typical professional carpet cleaning method that is used. Several experts feel that it is the ideal cleaning process for carpets. Hot water extraction is ideal for cleaning your carpet particularly if your home has people with allergies as it helps eliminate the microscopic organisms and the bad odour easily. 

Professional carpet cleaning companies utilize a heavy powered steam cleaning machine or they possess a truck mount steam cleaning machine; both are very effective in cleaning the carpets. Expert carpet cleaners that offer carpet cleaning in Squamish can engage in the cleaning job seriously. 


Vacuuming is something that should be done regularly to ensure that the carpets are healthy. Frequent cleaning of dust and dirt that are present on the surface will evade them from settling in too deep. It is ideal for removing pet hair, surface dirt and other materials. It is always better to call the professional and regular vacuuming on your own might not solve the actual problem at hand. 

Eagle Springs Carpet Cleaning is in the carpet cleaning business for over 25 years. They provide a wide choice of cleaning and damage prevention services for residential and commercial carpet cleaning.