Sunday, December 6, 2020

How does baking soda help in dealing with carpet odor?

Baking soda is the Holy Grail for carpet cleaning in Whistler, as well as deodorizing it. This multipurpose ingredient is available in every home and is very cost effective. The baking soda can absorb excess amounts of moisture in the air, which leads to the unpleasant musty smell in carpets. 

For deodorizing the carpet, sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the carpet floor and let it act overnight.  In the morning, run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet. One can repeat this step, for a second time in case the lousy smell refuses to go. In some cases, people have tried mixing essential oils with the baking soda before sprinkling. This mixture tends to release more pleasant aroma in the home. 

How to use undiluted vinegar as a deodorizing agent for carpets?

Vinegar is another essential deodorizing agent found quickly in the pantry of the home. The liquid after drying up becomes odorless making it a tremendous deodorizing agent. In fact, the fluid can be used to remove the smell of cat litter box, or for deodorizing the home. For deodorizing purposes, white vinegar is considered the best option. One can pour the liquid into the spray bottle and spray it all over the carpet. After the vinegar dries up, the room will be free of smell.

Regular cleaning by professionals is one of the surest ways to do away with carpet odors. So, get in touch with Eagle Springs Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning today.

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